



Once the 会议 Request Form has been received and processed, the 会议 and Event Services (CES) Coordinator will execute a Facility Usage Agreement 请您签字. 在签订合同之前,不保证住宿 已获消费电子展接收.


Registration may 不 begin until the CES Coordinator has a typed list of guests checking in.

If you are 不 utilizing an entire floor and additional space is needed for a不her conference/camp, we may place guests from those conferences/camps on your floor.

CES reserves the right to change building location as deemed necessary.  所有 与会者必须单独登记.  不允许“团体”签到.

For the security of our guests, lost 键 will require a lock change instead of a 键替换.  费用是50美元.每次换锁00美元,并提前支付 到结帐.  如果个人在结账时没有支付费用,你的 会议/营地将收费.

提供全面服务的水平 包括床单、床单、枕头、枕套、 毯子,两条毛巾和两条毛巾. Bed made upon arrival; sheets changed 每连续第四天.  应要求交换浴巾和垃圾 删除每天.

基本服务水平 要求客人自带床单.  亚麻包装 在群体中以个人为基础可用.  所有公共浴室 公共区域将每天进行维护.


CES will provide staff to register guests for a two-hour block of time to distribute 键.  Groups requiring additional time to check-in will be billed an additional $25.每组每小时00美元. 

所有客人(包括监护人)必须在下午12点前退房.m. 的最后一天 the conference/event as outlined in the signed Facility Reservation Form.  Exceptions to this time must be approved by the CES Coordinator in advance and 要视房间供应情况而定吗.  12点后退房的团体/客人 p.m. 未经事先批准 在适用的旅馆追加一晚的费用吗 率.


Groups with participants under 18 years of age must provide a live-in adult advisor 每十五(15)个年轻人.  这些顾问也必须与他们的 团体在校内住宿.  女性将使用单独的楼层 和男性.  

A complete list of participants must be provided to CES at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the conference/event outlining the required supervision.

An Event Participant Waiver and Release Form must be completed and returned to CES 每个参加项目/活动/会议的人.  无未成年子女 (under the age of 18 as of the date of the Event) may participate in the Event 未经父母或监护人许可的.

Youth groups should also plan to provide structured opportunities and free-time activities 当参与者不直接参与项目活动时.  年轻的 对于参与者来说,在空闲时间更有必要进行组织.  经验 has shown that groups who adequately provide this structure experience far fewer behavior problems and substantially far fewer charges for damages to facilities.

Meal service is available 通过索迪斯, WVU contracted service provider, with three 服务选项类型:

·早餐提供自助餐厅式用餐; 午餐和晚餐在下议院有限的营业时间内.  

·快递服务可通过 Rapids for large groups consisting of more than 100 participants requiring flexibility 服务时间.  

·宴会上,自带餐是首选 以及正式的接待.

Coordination of meal service will be personalized for each group based on the number 以及任何特殊的饮食需求.

所有 on-campus dining that includes food, snacks, and beverages must be arranged 通过索迪斯.  请致电(304)788-7211与索迪斯总经理联系 欲知详情. 


Due to the limited number of parking spaces on campus, CES will coordinate specified 停车场与大学警察局. (乌利希期刊指南).  公众场地禁止停车 街道是允许的. 


会议 guests are responsible for all damages incurred to WVU-PSC property during 他们保持.  如果多个会议组共享建筑空间,并且 the CES Office can不 determine fault; all groups will be held equally responsible.  It is the responsibility of the group to conduct a pre- and post-room inspection 和一个会议人员.  如果不这样做,将导致支付 所有适用的损害赔偿.

If the fire department is called due to fire extinguishers being used or alarms being activated as a result of mischievous or prank behavior, your group will be invoiced a fee of $500 per incident in addition to charges for damages/repairs.




Each of the following services must be arranged through the CES Coordinator.  费用 限制可能适用,并可能发生变化.

想要这项服务的人可以使用Wi-Fi.  CES协调员将提供 a form to the group contact to obtain names of persons requesting the service.

可应要求安排进入图书馆.  所有物品从 the Library must be returned by the end of the conference or you will be fined 对借给你的材料.

Remote control flat-screen televisions with cable are available in the lounge areas 每个宿舍楼.


The Lessee is required to carry commercial general liability insurance from a financially sound insurance company with minimum limits of $1,000,000 bodily injury and property 损害赔偿责任,每人支付5000美元的医疗费.  签署后 the Agreement by all parties, a certificate of liability insurance shall be provided 到CES将WVU-PSC命名为“附加保险”.“必须有保险证明 在活动开始日期前三十(30)天提交给CES.  责任保险 coverage must remain in effect for the duration of the use of the facilities.  If the use of facilities is ongoing or repetitive, a certificate of liability insurance must be provided each year upon renewal of the insurance policy of the entity involved.  WVU-PSC must be given thirty (30) days written 不ice of the cancellation of liability 保险责任范围. 


It is expressly understood that the name of WVU-十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 /West Virginia 未经大学事先书面批准,不得使用 大学versity关系.  所有的广告材料必须提交给 在分发给大学批准之前与CES协调员联系.

For health and safety reasons the following items are 不 permitted in student rooms. Failure to comply with these restrictions will result in the item being confiscated.

这个列表并不全面. 会议和活动安排保留权利 to ask attendee to remove items that are considered unsafe or disruptive. 如果住所 公寓内包括厨房区,允许使用电器.
